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Colorado Montero Ride Aug 30 - Sep 4, 2000. Part 3, Pearl Pass - Italian Creek Rd
Castle Peak elev. 14,265 ft. For the scale: there are two Toyota at the bottom between Mitch and left corner of the picture! On the way down from Pearl Pass going across rock glacier Pearl Pass from Aspen side. Tiny spot way back on the trail is Mitch in his 2 door.
Waiting for Mitch Caravan extended quite a bit. Way ahead Lloyd and Greg. Took a hard line here at Old Tincup trail.
Interesting place at Old Tincup trail. In summer 2000 issue of Open Road magazine almost identical picture opens article about Land Rover Continental Divide expedition. Other view on those rocks as Greg makes it.
Scary!!! What you don't see is a quarter mile down slope on the right and my left tire is within a foot of road edge. Don't crash the camera!!! Those legs are faint
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Few short movies of this trip